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Attractants: natural sin-free、joy and healthier

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Attractants: natural sin-free、joy and healthier

Feb. 10, 2023

Attranctants,the name doesn't sound very friendly, with coaxing and unhealthy overtones.

But if you add the word "natural" in front of it, the effect will immediately be different. Make your pet not only loves to eat, but also is nutritious and healthy.

 Our most commonly used natural attractant is called "hydrolyzed chicken liver powder". The production process is as follows: the chicken liver is crushed, an appropriate amount of water is added for sterilization, then the chicken liver hydrolyzed protease is added, amino acids and sugars are added after the enzymatic hydrolysis, and the "Maillard reaction" is carried out to degrade part of the animal protein into "peptides" that are easily absorbed by pets, and finally spray dry. It can be given a unique flavor: umami, fishy and meaty.Attractants: natural sin-free、joy and healthier

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