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What ingredients are wet dog food usually composed of

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What ingredients are wet dog food usually composed of

Jan. 11, 2023

Pet wet food processing can use different materials, but for wet dog food, what are the ingredients?

The first is meat or meat powder. The quality and content of fat and protein are important factors that determine the palatability of pet food, and are also an important condition for reflecting the nutritional value of pet food. At the same time, the quality of protein and fat determines the quality of pet food to a large extent. But the more fat and protein, the better. Then cereals are the source of energy, among which rice is an easy-to-digest grain; certain components of cellulose can promote gastrointestinal motility.

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In addition, there are some functional ingredients. The current pet food attaches great importance to the increase of functional ingredients, such as maintaining intestinal health and flora balance, adding prebiotics or chemical prebiotics, etc.

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